The Pressure We Put Ourselves Under To Find a Way Forward

This is a post I wrote especially for ProHealth’s Inspirational Corner and first appeared there about 7 weeks ago Because there is no cure for chronic illness, many of us take on an awful lot of responsibility for doing whatever we possibly can to improve our well-being. As a Self-Help Guru, taking responsibility for our own well-being … Read more

Self-Love: The Most Powerful Tool to Get You through the Holiday Season

Thinking I would write a post on rising to the challenges of the holiday season, I realised that there was one thing that lay at the foundation of all the things that help me cope with those challenges and that is the fact that I am willing to offer myself the same love and compassion … Read more

Letting Go of the Need to Understand it All

Because none of the doctors I’ve ever seen have been able to give me a reasonable explanation for what I was going through, let alone any helpful advice or medication, like many others, I’ve taken it upon myself to find that understanding on my own. I’ve read many books and scientific articles and compared their … Read more