Using essential oils is a very regular part of my life. I have my favourite oils for particular purposes and don’t tend to change them around very often. Nowadays, I find myself using them more for non-toxic solutions to every day issues than for specific illness management support (because of how well I generally am at the moment). But then non-toxic everyday solutions is a way of supporting my well-being! And of course, they add a lot of joy to my life.
Here’s my essential oil use diary for last week:
Monday 1st October:
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove on getting up
- My personal inspiration blend in my oil burner when starting work
- Home-made toner# with Frankincense, arborvitae and lavender
- dõTERRA’s anti-aging moisturizer with lavender, jasmine, geranium and frankincense.
- Aromatic dressing with my individual blend# of hormone supporting essential oils
- Serenity* in the diffuser at bed time to help me get to sleep
Tuesday 2nd October:
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove
- Sniffing citrus bliss from the bottle for a boost of joy and motivation before yoga
- Gently massaging lavender touch into my neck and shoulders to ease tension
- Clary sage and lemon grass in the diffuser at bed time. I was mentally ‘tired but wired’ and struggling to let of a busy mind.
Wednesday 3rd October:
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove
- Sniffed citrus bliss from the bottle a couple of times throughout the day, because I was feeling a bit low and wanted a joy boost.
- Home-made toner# with Frankincense, arborvitae and lavender
- dõTERRA’s anti-aging moisturizer with lavender, jasmine, geranium and frankincense.
- Cleaning the bathroom surfaces with my home-made cleaning solution# containing on guard* and lemon
- Lavender touch on some sore chaffed skin
- Ylang Ylang, vetiver and lemongrass in the diffuser at bedtime. I’d done a little too much and was feeling overtired and overstimulated again.
Thursday 4th October
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove
- Inspiration blend when starting work
- Sniffing citrus bliss when feeling a little low
- Serenity in the diffuser at bed time to help me sleep
Friday 5th October
- Oil pulling peppermint and clove
- Inspiration blend when starting work
- Sniffing citrus bliss when feeling a little low
- Cleaning kitchen surfaces with homemade cleaning solution containing on guard and lemon
- Homemade bite blend# (lavender, arborvitae, frankincense, peppermint and cypress) on some insect bites
- Vetiver and marjoram in the diffuser at bed time to help me sleep
Sat 6th October
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove
- Home-made toner
- dõTERRA’s antiaging moisturizer
- Aromatic dressing
- Serenity in the diffuser at bed time to help me sleep
Sunday 7th October
- Oil pulling with peppermint and clove
- Citrus bliss from the bottle to lift my mood
- Sniffing breathe from the bottle when feeling congested after spending some time on the veg plot (allergies?)
- Lavender touch on a gardening blister
- Home made toner and face cream (Oil of Olay with immortelle*)
- Serenity in diffuser and on pulse points at bed time
* dõTERRA blends
# I’ll share my exact recipes in future posts
My Homemade Inspiration Blend
I like to start my work day feeling inspired and creative. Although I love the life I have now, I have a huge vision of helping thousands (or even hundreds of thousands) of Spoonies to create a life that they love and contribute to making the world a better place. I put my inspiration blend in the burner to help me connect in with the energy of divine creativity, love, trust and abundance. I also listen to a brief audio I’ve made reminding myself of who I am, what I am choosing to create, my commitment to take action and my gratitude for the healing, growth and evolution that my work is contributing to.
I’ve mixed up this blend in a little bottle and use a couple of drops:
- 20 drops wild orange for abundance
- 8 drops frankincense for truth
- 5 drops geranium for love and trust
- 3 drops sandalwood for spiritual clarity and surrender
- 3 drops arborvitae for divine grace
- 2 drops clary sage for clarity and vision
- 2 drops cypress for motion and flow
I enjoy playing around with this blend. This is how it is at the moment and will last me 2 or 3 weeks of daily use. Every time it runs out I connect in with what I will feel when I’ve attained my great vision and tweak my blend to help me evoke those feeling more easily. I also use my sense of smell to get an aroma that feels really inspiring!
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