My New Name!

Those of you that have been following me for a while, might have noticed that I’ve changed my business name. You might not, because the website looks very similar and if you type in my old name in a search engine, you’ll automatically be redirected to the new web address.

When I started my blog nearly 10 years ago, it was with a mission to share self-help advice for people with a very misunderstood illness. The medical profession had very little to offer, and helpful advice was rare. In fact, the NICE guideline for ME/CFS were downright harmful. I’d had great success with my self-help and I wanted to get the message out to a many people as possible. I wanted to prevent the harm of pushing and striving for more, from not knowing any better. I also knew that my initial recovery had a lot to do with my spiritual side, and finding harmony in body, mind and spirit. I chose a big name to live up to and called myself a self-help guru.

Since then, I’ve written hundreds of articles, not just for my blog and read thousands of articles about ME/CFS and similar illnesses. I qualified as a holistic life coach and worked with hundreds of people to help them take back control from the illness and live happier, more balanced, more fulfilling lives.

Having worked as a Holistic Coach for 7 years, I now feel much more at home with that identity, than with the identity of a self-help guru. Although I’m still sharing lots of blog posts about how you can take better care of yourself and have a more satisfying life, my true calling is to support you to do so.

A coach doesn’t just know what’s needed, she knows how to help you build the skills, how to encourage you, and how to help you get over the obstacles that get in the way of you moving forward.

That’s what I do now, hence the new name.

Hundreds of you have reached out to me over the years letting me know how I’ve helped you feel understood, how I’ve inspired you and guided you with my writing and my social media posts. However, I want more for you, I want you to experience real and lasting change, so that you can love your life no matter your functionality.

A coach can make a real difference in your life, not only with inspiration and guidance, but by helping you to uncover what you can’t quite see; keeping you on track by holding you accountable; being there whilst you take the difficult, uncomfortable steps that are going to make all the difference to making lasting change happen. That’s where the real magic happens.

I’ll keep on guiding and supporting you in the best way that I can with my writing, I know from my personal journey that what I read, the information I surround myself with, lays the groundwork for change. Sometimes, especially when I’ve received a message repeatedly in a short period of time, it can provide the key to unlocking a particularly stubborn door in my path forward. But the fastest most powerful changes I’ve experience have always happened with support.

pin anouncing my name changeI want my name to remind you, that this powerful change is possible, and I’m here to support you to overcome your obstacles and get past the uncomfortable whenever you are ready to!

One last thing, I’ve decided I need to breathe fresh life into my Facebook community, so if you’d like to connect with me more regularly in a private community, come accross and join me there. It’s called ‘Spoonies with Purpose, Making the World a Better Place’ and it’s based on the presmise that we can find purpose in little easy ways, most importantly by taking great care of ourselves!

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