Helena Shares her Purpose

Spoonies with purpose podcast episode 7

In this episode, the lovely creative Helena, of SewnitbyHelena, talks about how she found purpose once she was able to stabilise her CFS through acceptance. It all started by deciding to do something she’d always wanted to do.

You can find this specific episode HERE:

Or listen to the latest episode of the podcast directly below:

pinfor podcast wpisode showing things Helena has sewnYou can check out Helena’s Etsy shop HERE or follow her on Facebook

If you’d like to join a supportive community of people with chronic illness looking to find purpose without letting it have a negative impact on their health, please join my Facebook group Spoonies with Purpose: Making the world a better place together

2 thoughts on “Helena Shares her Purpose”

  1. Hi, Julie – Another great interview!

    I wanted to let you know that I chose your blog and podcast as my Blog of the Month and Podcast of the Month for my blog’s monthly newsletter! It went out yesterday to my e-mail list. I hope you get some new readers/listeners from the shout-out.



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