Free Online Workshop! Sunday 23rd October

Do you struggle to accept the limits placed on you by ME/CFS or Fibromyalgia? Could lack of acceptance play a part in your boom and bust cycles? This FREE online workshop will teach you to take better control over your energy simply by cultivating acceptance, hope and trust! Learn how these 3 simple attitudes can make a huge difference to your chances of improving health. We’ll be smashing those barriers to acceptance and opening up a smoother path to hope and trust. Empowering you with the essential tools to achieve a more relaxed, balanced, healthier and more fulfilling life.

Sign up now!  (registration takes a few minutes so please do so in advance!)

Share the Joy! Please share this link with anyone else who you think might benefit! Maybe you could share it in a facebook group you’re a member of? Or use the badges below to share it to your social media. When there’s lots of people interacting and asking me questions in these workshops I get to share so much more!

Here’s what some of the people who’ve attended before, have to say about it:

Acceptance: Very good session of learning to accept, hope and trust that things will be ok and we don’t waste energy worrying about ‘stuff’.’ Jane

Highly Recommend: Julie nicely puts into words the struggles that we all feel, and leaves you empowered with tools and strategies to better handle these struggles. Terrific class!’ Stephanie

Thought-provoking workshop: A powerful and inspirational session which was very motivating.’ Angela

Great as always: Julies classes should not be missed. As always loads of information in an hour but presented in an accessible way and followed up with being able to view the recording. Relevant to those already on a management journey or those just getting to grips with the initial stages of a chronic illness diagnosis’ Lorraine

Very helpful and hopeful class!: A great class, given it is a very big subject to be covered in one hour it was extremely effective and helpful and I felt like I had made progress by the end.’ Michelle

trying out a new thing: Today is the first day I have used this internet technology in any setting, and the first interaction I have had with Julie Holliday. I was surprised how well I felt connected with Julie and the others taking part. I felt listened to and supported whilst learning some new ideas, techniques and outlooks. We are all at different stages of our illness journey but I’m sure the content would have been relevant and helpful to all. I will certainly return. Thank you’ Rhoda

Hope!  Julie presented powerful information on acceptance, hope, and trust in a concise and easy to understand way. Even better, she lead us through exercises to help us connect to our obstacles and breakthrough them. I feel more hopeful just listening to her and connecting to the community.’ Vanessa

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