Episode 4 of the spoonies with purpose podcast
In this interview I talk to author Christie Cox about her experience with several chronic illnesses including EDS. She shares how she found some treatment that helped her enough to find a new purpose… Sharing all that she learned in her book ‘Holding it All Together When You’re Hypermobile’
The player below, shares the most recent episode of the podcast. To listen to Christies episode check out this link.
Find out more about Christies book, which goes on sale Aug 11 on Amazon and other retailers, on the website: www.holdingitalltogether.com.
You can join the book launch virtual party by registering here
Follow Christie on her social media:
- Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/christie.calm.5
- Instagram – @christiecoxcalm
If you’d like to see the full interview you can watch it here on Youtube:
If you’d like to join a supportive community of people with chronic illness looking to find purpose without letting it have a negative impact on their health, please join my Facebook group Spoonies with Purpose: Making the world a better place together: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1152572274906949
Another inspiring interview, Julie! Thank you!
My Book: Finding a New Normal: Living Your Best Life with Chronic Illness
I really enjoyed talking to you Sue, can’t wait to share your interview too!