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ME/CFS Organisations
ME Association: www.meassociation.org.uk
ME Connect Helpline: 0844 576 5326; email: meconnect@meassociation.org.uk
Membership: 01280 818 968 (or download application form from website)
ME Association, 7 Apollo Office Court, Radclive Road, Gawcott, Bucks, MK18 4DF
Action for ME: www.actionforme.org.uk
ME enquiries: 0845 123 2380/0117 927 9551 Welfare rights line: 0845 122 8648
Membership: 0117 927 9551/0117 930 7286
Action for M.E., PO Box 2778, Bristol BS1 9DJ
Association of Young People with ME: www.ayme.org.uk
Helpline and information services: 0845 123 2389 email: helpline@ayme.org.uk
Membership: follow the link on the website
AYME, 10 Vermont Place, Tongwell, Milton Keynes, MK15 8JA. Email: info@ayme.org.uk
Tymes Trust (The young ME sufferers trust): www.tymestrust.org
Registration: see online application
Tel: 0845 003 9002
Tymes Trust, PO Box 4347, Stock, Ingatestone, CM4 9TE
The Solve ME/CFS Initiative (Previously CFIDS Association of America): www.solvecfs.org
Solve ME/CFS Initiative, PO Box 220398, Charlotte, NC 28222-0398, USA
Email: SolveCFS@SolveCFS.org
Tel: (+1) 704-365-2343
The International Association for CFS/ME (IACFS/ME): www.iacfsme.org
27 N. Wacker Drive Suite 416, Chicago, IL 60606, USA
Tel: (+1) 847 258 7248
Fax: (+1) 847 579 0975
Email: Admin@iacfsme.org
FM-CFS Canada, Compassion in Action: www.fm-cfs.ca
FM-CFS Canada, 310-1500 Bank Street, Ottawa, Ontario K1H 1B8, Canada
Tel: (+1) 877 437 4673
Email: office@fm-cfs.ca
Useful Websites
www.prohealth.com Supplements company that also post a wide range of helpful articles.
www.naturalhealthworldwide.com Find a practitioner that specialises in your illness.
www.drmyhill.co.uk A doctor who really understands illnesses like ME/CFS
www.cortjohnson.org Lots of articles on the latest scientific discoveries around ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia
Beat Fatigue with Yoga: A step by step guide Fiona Agombar (1999) element books
Chronic Fatigue: The complete Mind Body Solution (Audio + workbook) Deepak Chopra M.D. (2004) Karuna music/Triloka records/Artimis records
EFT for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Dawson Church (2013) Energy Psychology Press
Experience Yoga Nidra: Guided Deep Relaxation (Audio) Swami Janakananda Saraswati
Fighting Fatigue: Managing the symptoms of CFS/ME Sue Pemberton and Catherine Berry. (2009) Hammersmith Press Ltd
Living with M.E.: The Chronic/Post-viral Fatigue Syndrome Dr Charles Shepherd. (1999) Vermillion
M.E.: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A practical guide Dr Anne Macintyre (1991) Thorsons
Mindfulness: A practical guide to finding peace in a frantic world Mark Williams and Danny Penman (2011) Piatkus
Quantum Healing Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine Dr Deepak Chopra (1989) Bantam
The Perrin Technique: How to beat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME Raymond Perrin. 2007 Hammersmith Press ltd
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga: A Practical Guide to Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit Deepak Chopra M.D. and David Simon M.D. (2005) John Wiley & Sons
The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health William G. Crook M.D. et al (2005) Square One publishers
Why Me? Alex Howard 2009 Cherry Red Books