Unrest: A film You Want Everyone Who Doesn’t Have a Misunderstood, Underfunded Chronic Illness to See!

About 10 days ago my parents and I braved the snow and went to see Jenifer Brea’s award-winning documentary ‘Unrest’ at a showing in a local church hall. Unfortunately, the next day I was hit by a viral crash and I had to abandon my attempt to write the review I’d planned because I simply … Read more

A Recommendation for Low Stimulation Entertainment:

Today I thought I’d start something new. To thrive with a chronic illness, we have to find ways of making rest pleasurable. Unfortunately though, modern entertainment seems to be designed for stimulation and it can be really challenging to find entertainment that keeps stimulation to a minimum but still entertains. I need my entertainment to … Read more

A book review: Beating Chronic Fatigue, Your step by step guide to complete recovery. Dr Krisitina Downing-Orr, 2010 Piatkus

This book offers a programme for treating ME/ CFS which the author calls the fusion model. The author has chosen the term Chronic Fatigue (as is fashionable with psychologists) although she makes it clear she is also talking about ME and believes in the biological nature of the illness. There are two versions of this … Read more

A Book Review: Overcoming Chronic fatigue: a self-help guide using Cognitive Behavioural Techniques. Mary Burgess with Trudy Chandler. 2005 Constable and Robinson Ltd.

It never fails to amaze me just how wound up I can still get by people who claim to be experts completely ignoring the fact that ME/CFS is an illness with a physical cause. (I think I may still need to work on my non-defensive attitude!). The authors try to mask their obvious assumption that … Read more