Deep Breathing and Blue Sky Meditation for ME/CFS

Here are another couple of breathing and meditation practices taken from my book. Deep breathing is the foundation stone for relaxation and can be a very useful skill to employ at times of stress and anxiety. It is also the basis for more complex breathing exercises such at the complete breath and rhythmic breathing which … Read more

ME/CFS: How Acceptance and Hope Coexist

Following on from last week’s theme of acceptance I want to explore the concept of hope. I believe that it is possible to reach an acceptance of a long term debilitating illness whilst retaining hope that one day your health and quality of life will improve significantly. Hope and acceptance are not mutually exclusive. In … Read more

Listening to Your Body

I have faith in the human body’s potential for self-healing. The body will always strive for balance and health and has the wisdom to produce it under most conditions. ME/CFS usually results from a combination of difficult conditions which upset the body’s balance in many complicated and compounding ways. For me the aim of self-help … Read more

Using Aromatherapy to tackle Sleep Disturbance

Completing the theme of sleep disturbance there is one more tool that I have found useful: Essential oils. I have successfully used a variety of essential oils in my battle to tackle sleep disturbance. They can be used in various ways. A few drops can be added to water in an oil burner for a … Read more

Tackling Sleep Disturbance is a Priority for ME/CFS Self-help

Sleep disturbance is a very common symptom of ME and can take various different forms. It can mean struggling to get off to sleep, waking up regularly in the night, having vivid disturbing dreams or waking up feeling un-refreshed.  Unfortunately it is a symptom that helps to perpetuate the illness. It is during deep sleep … Read more