Suzan Jackson on Purpose

Episode 5 of the Spoonies with Purpose podcast

A couple of weeks ago I had the wonderful pleasure of talking to the lovely Suzan Jackson for my Spoonies with Purpose podcast.

In this interview Sue tells us of her experience of living with ME/CFS and then being a mother to 2 sons who also had the illness. She shares how she discovered that she wanted to make the world a better place and how she wanted to support people by sharing the things that she found that help physically as well as how to cope better with the illness emotionally.

You can connect with Sue at the following links:Pin for Spoonies with Purpose podcast episode showing writer Suzan Jackson

If you prefer to watch than listen….

If you’d like to join a supportive community of people with chronic illness looking to find purpose without letting it have a negative impact on their health, please join my Facebook group Spoonies with Purpose: Making the world a better place together:

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